Now that Priyanka and Jonas’ wedding has passed, let’s focus on the Indian wedding shopping season. Indian wedding shopping should be a fun time, and it can be. But like many things in life, if you’re not prepared, you’re letting yourself down from the beginning. Even if you’re not shopping in India and you’re going to Pioneer or Edison instead, know what you’re getting into before you go.
Plan it out
Figure out a plan of where to go before you go. Where will you be shopping? What outfits do you need? Who are you shopping for? What is your budget for each outfit? Writing down your plan ahead of time will save you a lot of stress when you’re in the midst of shopping. If you’re shopping for your wedding party, get their measurements in advance.
Take examples of what you like
Do some homework before going shopping. Start by looking for examples online. Check out Pinterest, Google Images, Indian clothing websites (Utsav, Seasons, Cbazaar, etc) or just plain old google search terms like “Indian wedding lehenga” (and variations of that spelling). Save and compile the designs you like, and print them out to take with you while you shop. It doesn’t hurt to take examples of colors you like too, especially if you’re planning to coordinate with a specific theme.
Know what to expect
Going to [most] Indian clothing stores is an experience in itself. If you haven’t done it before, browse some stores before going shopping for your wedding attire. Salespeople at these stores tend to be pushy and very salesy. They’ll show you the whole store and will continue to take out merchandise until you find something to buy. They will try to get you to buy something you don’t like, and might even get you to try on something you don’t like Be stern – know what you like before going shopping, and show the salesperson those examples you printed. If you don’t have time to waste, let them know.
Get opinions from multiple people (not just your parents)
Sometimes it’s good to have an extra set of eyes with you to give you that second opinion you’re looking for. Be careful not to have too many people with you otherwise you’ll start getting confused. Pick your right-hand man – a friend, cousin, a family member who lives locally who knows the latest fashions.
Repurpose an old outfit
Whether it’s your mom’s old outfit or saree, or a designer lehenga you know you’ll never wear anymore, repurposing outfits is a good way to go. Make it into a special dress for your main flower girl or into something for yourself. You’ve got your “something old” and “something new” all in one piece.
Try on your outfits
If getting your outfit from somewhere far (like India), trying on your outfits is a no-brainer. It’s easy not to try on your outfits with the idea that you’ll have to re-adjust them closer to the wedding anyway. However, with that mentality, you may find out an outfit is stitched wrong or there’s missing something that could’ve been fixed when you got it.
Besides that, with some plain old common sense, you’ll be fine 🙂
For more Indian wedding shopping tips, check out this post: Indian Wedding Shopping Tips You Can’t Leave Home Without